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Dijkstra's Algorithm

Problem Statement

The goal of Dijkstra's algorithm is to find all the shortest paths connecting a source vertex \(S\), to every vertex in a directed graph. It can also be used to calculate just one Source-Destination pair efficiently.


We will divide the graph into two components, \(S\) and \(S'\). In \(S\), we store all the points whose shortest distance from the origin we know of. The goal will be to expand \(S\) till eventually it includes every point in the graph.


  • If we know the distance to every point in some region \(S\), we can tell with certainty the shortest distance to one and only one point in \(S'\) with absolute certainty.
  • This point is the one with the minimum value of shortest distance to any point in \(S\), i.e. the closest point to \(S\).
  • Any other point may have a shorter path to it from \(S\), which flows through this optimal path.
  • At the start, the optimal path is only known for the source.


set distance of each vertex from source to +inf.
create a min heap H with all vertices in, measured by their distance.

while H is not empty,
    frontier vertex f = delete_min(H).           - O(V. log V)
    for all outgoing edges from (fv) to S',      - O(E. log V)
        relax d[v] till d[f] + l[fv].
        update the heap to reflect this change.  - O(log V)


We run heapify every time a point is moved into the frontier. As this happens no more than \(V\) times, the time taken by this is \(O(V \log V)\).

We check each edge once for potential relaxation and heap reset. So the runtime of this part is \(O(E \log V)\). Therefore the total runtime is \(O((E + V)log(V))\)

Proof Of Correctness

This proof is performed via induction.

At any iteration, suppose \(f\) is the frontier vertex, being moved from \(S'\) to \(S\). Then, d[w] is the shortest path length from \(S\) to \(w\)

Base Case - \(S = \{s_0\}\)

Induction Hypothesis - Suppose we have \(S\) of some arbitrary size, and are moving a vertex \(f\).

\[d[f] = d[u] + l_{uw} \quad [U \in S]\]

Suppose an alternate shorter path \(P\) exists. If it connects directly from \(S\) to \(f\), then it cannot be shorter than the existing path. If it connects through \(S'\), it connects through another vertex, which is further apart, making it longer than the path given by Dijkstra.