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Bridge Edge Detection

Problem Definition

Consider the following graph

graph LR;
    1 --- 2
    2 --- 3
    4 --- 5
    3 --- 6
    2 --- 6
    2 --- 4
    4 --- 7
    5 --- 7 
In this case, if we remove the edge \(2-4\), we get two disconnected components. Therefore, \(2-4\) counts as bridge edge. However, \(2-6\) does not do this, so it's not a bridge edge.

We define a graph as 2-Edge Connected, If and only if it has no bridge edge. The problem, now, is to find whether or not a graph is 2EC.


  • Consider you are traversing \(2-4\). We know that it is a bridge edge. We can remark that there are no edges moving up from the subraph below \(4\) to the subgraph above \(2\). If that were true, the edge would no longer be a bridge edge, because there would be two edges connecting the subgraph to \(1\).
  • Additionally, we only need to check backward edges, as a DFS tree is incapable of having cross edges.
  • All we need to know about a subgraph to detect the bridge edge is the highest back-edge coming out of it.


define arrays for visited flags and visit time
define time as 0
define HBED (highest back edge destination) as 0

check-2EC([vertex v] -> HBED s) {
    mark v as visited.
    set time[v] and HBED as t++.

    for each (vertex w) in adjacency list of (v),
        if w is unvisited,
            reduce HBED to check-2EC(w) or pass.
            reduce HBED to depth of w or pass.

    if HBED is below or at v,
        report bridge edge and terminate.
        report success.


As this algorithm is a small modification on depth-first traversal, it retains the same runtime of \(O(E + V)\)