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Minimum Weighted Completion Time

Problem Definition

Minimum Total Completion Time

We are given \(n\) tasks with lengths [\(l_i\)]. Our goal is to perform these tasks in an order such as to minimise the sum of finishing time for each task.

Minimum Weighted Completion Time

In this problem, each tasks also have a weight \(w_i\). we have to miminise weighted completion time where weighted completion time \(\overline{C_i} = w_i \cdot C_i\)

Greedy Algorithm

We sort the problems in order of \(w_i\,/\,l_i\) . Then we perform the tasks in that order. Now why would that give the optimal solution?

Proof via Exchange Argument

Say we arrange the tasks in the ideal order, which we are saying is also the hypothesised optimal order. Call this order as \(\sigma = [t_1, t_2, ... t_n]\)

Now suppose we create an order \(\sigma^*\). This order is totally different from \(\sigma\), but must have at least one inversion between adjacent elements. (Lemma: Having an inversion between non-adjacent elements will also create an inversion between some adjacent elements. Proof is (decently) trivial). Let's call these inverted adjacent elements as \(t_q\) and \(t_p\),

\[ \begin{align} & \overline{C}(\sigma^*) = \left(\sum_{i\neq p,q} C_i \cdot w_i\right) + C^*_p \cdot w_p + C^*_q \cdot w_q \\ & \overline{C}(\sigma') = \left(\sum_{i\neq p,q} C_i \cdot w_i\right) + C'_p \cdot w_p + C'_q \cdot w_q \\\\ & \overline{C}(\sigma') - \overline{C}(\sigma^*) \\&= (C'_p - C^*_p)\cdot w_p + (C'_q - C^*_q)\cdot w_q \\&= -l_q \cdot w_p + l_p \cdot w_q > 0 \end{align} \]

By this, we can deduce that \(\sigma'\) is a better arrangement. This means that no matter which arrangement we pick besides \(\sigma\), a better arrangement exists. This means that \(\sigma\) is the optimal arrangement.

Time Complexity

This algorithm has a time complexity of \(O(n\log n)\), which is the time taken to sort these \(n\) tasks.