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Matrix Chaining

Problem Definition

Given a set of \(n\) matrices {\(A_i\)}, the goal of this algorithm is to multiply matrices in the optimal order, to minimise number of computations required.


Multiplying matrices quickly is obviously important for many mathematical tools (cough cough, linear algebra), but the applications of this algorithm are far beyond that. Anything which involves optimally combining \(n\) elements, with known costs / benefits of combining \(k\; (< n)\) elements can utilise this algorithm.

Subproblem Definition

\(\Omega(X)\) = Optimal cost for computing value of \(X\) (contiguous) matrix set. \(\sigma(X, Y)\) = Cost of multiplying the result of \(X\) matrix set and \(Y\) matrix set. Equivalent to \(rows(X_1) \cdot cols(Y_y)\)


\[\Omega(A) = min(\Omega(X) + \Omega(X') + \sigma(X,X'))\]

provided \(X\) and \(X'\) constitute the optimal breakdown of matrix set \(A\), assuming \(X\) ends at element \(A_k\). We can do this by considering every breakdown, and taking the minimum of those.

Base Case: \(\Omega(M) = 0\) if \(|M| = 1\)


The DP table has a size of \(n^2\), and filling each cell takes a time of \(O(n)\). This gives us a total complexity of \(O(n^3)\). The space complexity is proportional to the size of the table, which is just \(O(n^2)\). Note that we only fill the upper triangle of the DP table.


for i form 1 to n:
    DP[i, i] = 0 
for length from 1 to n-1:
    for i from 1 to n-length:
        j = i + length
        tot_min = 1000000000
        for k from i+1 to j:
            DP[i, j] = min{tot_min, DP[i, k] + DP[k+1, j] + sigma(k)}
return DP[1, n]