Inversion Counting¶
Consider the sorted array,
and the unsorted array,
The pair \((4,3)\) is out of order in the unsorted array. Let us call this out-of-order-pair as an inversion.
Why do we care about the number of inversions? Suppose we ask two people to give ratings to elements in a set. This is done often with movie or show review websites, but can also be applied to other things like elections.
Naive Approach¶
A naive approach would look at every pair of elements from \(1\) to \(n\). It will then check if this \((i, j)\) pair is inverted or not. There will be \(nC2\) such pairs, giving us a complexity of \(O(n^2)\)
Divide-and-Conquer Approach¶
The key observation here is:
Suppose we partition the unsorted array \(A\) of length \(n\) into two partitions \(X\) and \(Y\). We can find the inversions of the format \((X_i, Y_j)\) in \(O(n)\) time. These can be referred to as cross-inversions or split-inversions, provided that they are sorted. How is this possible?
Say \(X = [3, 4, 6]\) and \(Y = [1, 2, 5]\). A mergesort-style algorithm will combine these two into \(A\). We start by picking \(1\) from \(Y\), but that immediately tells us that it's smaller than every element in \(X\). So we know there are \(3\) inversions here {\((3, 1), (4, 2), (6, 2)\)}. In fact, every time we pick an element from \(Y\), we know it is smaller than every element remaining in \(X\) {call this \(x\)}. So, every time we pick an element from \(Y\), we add \(x\) inversions to the total. If an element is picked from \(X\), the natural order has been maintained.
Recurrence Relation¶
The subproblems are divided as: -> Sort and count inversions to the left of the partition -> Sort and count inversions to the right of the partition -> Count the number of split inversions, add all three values, merge the array, and return that.
This gives us a Recurrence relation of
Because this is a tiny modification of MergeSort, it comes to a complexity of \(O(n.logn)\) as well
toret = []
for j, k in X, Y:
if j <= k:
append j to toret
move head of X ahead
append k to toret
move head of Y ahead
count += len(X, j onwards)
return (toret, count)
if len(A) == 1:
return 0 <- base case
X = first half of A
Y = second half of A
(B, x) = SortAndCountInv (X)
(C, y) = SortAndCountInv (Y)
(D, z) = CountAndMerge(B, C)
return (D, x+y+z)