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Ranking is possible with a regular SQL query

               FROM student_grades B
               WHERE B.GPA > A.GPA)) as s_rank
FROM student_grades A
ORDER BY s_rank

but this is inefficient and ugly. SQL has a better alternative built-in

SELECT ID, dept_name, 
    rank() OVER (partition by dept_name ORDER BY GPA desc)
    AS dept_rank
FROM dept_grades
ORDER BY dept_name, dept_rank

Finds the rank of students within their own department

Note that ranking is done after the group by clause. It can be used to find top n ranks, while being better than the limit keyword because it supports ranking within partitions as well.

Other Ranking

  • percent_rank - calculated the rank within partition
  • cume_dist - cumulative distribution
  • row_number - returns the row number, random in presence of duplicates

nulls in ORDER BY

  • SQL allows the user to add nulls first or nulls last at the end of an order by to choose where to place them.


ntile allows breaking a table into n buckets

SELECT ID, ntile(4) OVER (ORDER BY GPA desc) AS quartile
    FROM student_grades