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Integrity Constraints

An integrity constraint guards your databse from accidental damage by checking all inserted data for consistency

Constraints on a single relation

not null

  • an attribute cannot be null.
  • name varchar(20) NOT NULL


  • no two values under this attribute can be equal
  • this makes the attribute a candidate key
  • this candidate key is allowed to be null, as opposed to a primary key


  • ensures that any insertion obeys a certain predicate
  • check (season in ('Fall', 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer'))

Referential Integrity

  • ensures that each foreign key has two ends.
  • we do this by defining attribute A in table R as a foreign key pointing to primary key P in table S
  • FOREIGN KEY (dept_name) REFERENCES department (dept_name) is how we declare a foreign key

Integrity violation response

  • In response to any violation of referential integrity, the DBMS can respond in the following ways
    • reject the action that causes the violation
    • cascade that action to the referencers
    • set the value to null
    • set the value to a preset default

Inserting without causing violations

You can do this by: * insert parent before child * set parents to null initially, update on inserting child * defer constraint checking