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  • a join operation takes two relations and returns the result of their merging
  • a join operation is a cartesian product that is followed by the application of some condition
  • the result is frequently used in the FROM clause

Natural Join

  • the natural join returns tuples which have the same values for all common attributes, and retains a single copy of each common column
  • the natural join is the simplest way to normalise


table customer

customer_ID customer_name
100 Hello
200 World

table seller

seller_ID customer_ID seller_name
500 100 Panda
560 200 Cat
FROM customer NATURAL JOIN seller


customer_ID seller_ID customer_name seller_name
100 500 Hello Panda
200 560 World Cat

Outer Join

  • outer join is a type of join that involves zero information loss
  • all rows are preserved between relations, adding null values if needed
  • we can use left outer join, right outer join, or full outer join

Inner Join

  • inner join is the default type of join, unless mentioned otherwise
  • inner join preserves consistency (no nulls present), but may cause loss of data


customer_ID customer_name
100 Hello
200 World
300 Is
400 A
500 Square
seller_ID seller_name customer_ID
150 Green 100
250 Is 200
350 My 600
450 Pepper 800
seller INNER JOIN customer ON seller.customer_ID = customer.customer_ID
seller_ID seller_name customer_ID customer_name
150 Green 100 Hello
250 Is 200 World

seller LEFT JOIN customer ON seller.customer_ID = customer.customer_ID
(left join is shorthand for left outer join)

seller_ID seller_name customer_ID customer_name
150 Green 100 Hello
250 Is 200 World
350 My null null
450 Pepper null null
seller FULL OUTER JOIN customer ON seller.customer_ID = customer.customer_ID
seller_ID seller_name customer_ID customer_name
150 Green 100 Hello
250 Is 200 World
350 My null null
450 Pepper null null
null null 300 Is
null null 400 A
null null 500 Square