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Where, From, And Others


  • the where clause tells us the predicate to pick entries
  • relational and logical operators may be used in the predicate
  • we can also compare tuples against tuples, i.e. WHERE (A, B) < (C, D)


  • the from clause gives us the domain of the query
  • instructor X teaches becomes FROM instructor, teaches
  • common attributes get a prefix of at the start of their name


  • the AS operator can be used to rename pretty much anything
  • it can also be omitted giving the same result. instructor AS T and instructor T do the same thing


  • ORDER BY tells SQL the order to return result rows of the query in
  • can be done on multiple attributes for primary and secondary sorting keys
  • desc or asc can be put at the end of each sorting key to specify the order of sorting

Between / and

  • the between operator is a really dumb way to use \(\geq\) and \(\leq\) together.
  • WHERE salary between 90000 and 100000