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Design Phases

Conceptual DesignLogical DesignPhysical DesignDesign ProcessEntity Relationship ModelData Model MappingLogical SchemaNormalisationNormalised SchemaInternal ProcessingPhysical Schemagivesgivesgivesgives

Initial / Analysis Phase

  • The initial phase involves almost no code. It is completely planning-oriented
  • It is similar to the analysis phase of programming. It involves looking at the problems of the users and thinking of potential ways to solve them

Design Phase

  • The defining step of this phase is choosing a data model
  • One this is done, the requirements of the problem description are applied onto the data model
  • Then, this data model is converted into a conceptual schema. Metadata related to the operations needed to be performed on said data is taken

Implementation Phase

  • The abstract data model is turned into a concrete database
  • Logical Design - involves deciding relation schemas. Additionally, attributes are shortlisted and pruned from a business perspective, and the organisation is optimised for memory and speed efficiency