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Relationship Attributes

A relationship set may carry attribute/s. These attributes tell us something noteworthy about the relation, such as when it was created or what its strength is


In the Battling Civilisations videogame, the player enters a stage (one of many, with their own designs) with their army. Both the player and foe's armies contain soldiers, who carry different kinds of weapons. While traversing the stage, one must watch out for traps set by the enemy's civilisation. 

Soldiers are divided into regiments, each with a regiment leader. Depending upon the leader's performance in battle, the soldiers will get attached to their leader, in different capacity each. The more attached a soldier is, the higher morale they will show in battle.

After the battle is over, the soldiers come back to spend the night in their tents. Each soldier has his own tent. For each night that he spends in the tent, they will fall asleep more comfortably, leading to them regenerating more HP over the night.

Over time, each soldier develops an expertise in a category of weapon. This expertise increases their efficacy in use of the weapon.

Relation Attributes

  • Soldier <- obeys { Morale } -> Leader
  • Soldier <- lives in { Resting Ability } -> Tent
  • Soldier <- carries { Expertise in } -> Weapon

Representation of Relation Attributes
