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Multi-query Optimisation

Multi-Query Optimisation

Alternatives for evaluating operation trees are


Store the result of one query element directly on the disk. The optimiser generates a plan such that common elements of queries \(\{Q_i\}\) are executed only once, stored on the disk, then reused. * This is also referred to as flyweighting or caching.


As the result of one tuple comes, pass it to the next operation. Consider WHERE-JOIN-GROUPBY-HAVING as a pipeline similar to the RISC pipeline. This can be parallelised for speed-up. * not possible in something like a sort or a hash join. * cheaper than materialisation, as there is no need to store to disk.

Demand Driven

  • a.k.a. lazy evaluation, pull model.
  • The operation latter in the pipeline pulls records from the operation behind in the pipeline.

Producer Driven

  • a.k.a. eager ealuation, push model.
  • The operation behind in the pipeline immediately pushes ahead in the pipeline