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Hard Disks

|300 |200


  • An HDD contains lots of platters. A spindle typically has 1~5 platters on it.
  • Each platter has one read-write head.
  • Each platter has 50~100k tracks in it
  • Each track has sectors in it. Inner tracks have 500~1000 sectors while outer tracks have 1000~2000 sectors
  • A block is the smallest unit of storage allocation. It is typically 4~16 kB in size.
  • A cylinder \(i\) contain's the \(i^{th}\) track of each platter


  • The read/write head needs to be above the correct sector to read from it.
  • The disk arm swings to the correct position to accomplish this.
  • Meanwhile the disk spins continuously. Eventually, the track head will be in the correct position.