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Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks

  • RAID is a disk organisation technique that manages many redundant disks to store the same piece of information.
  • Having multiple disks in parallel gives higher read speed.
  • Having redundancy gives high reliability, allowing data to be recovered even when a disk fails.

Mirroring Technique

  • In this technique, each disk is duplicated. A logical disk has two physical disks.
  • Each write is carried out on both disks, each read is carried out on either disk.
  • If a disk fails, we restore from the other disk. Theoretically both disks can fail simultaneously, but the probability of that is very small.

Mean Time to Repair

  • MTR is the average amount of time required to repair a failed disk.

Mean Time to Data Loss

  • MTTDL is the amount of time required for one block of data to be unretrievable.
  • \(MTTDL = MTTF \cdot MTR \cdot disk\_count\)