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Pipeline Structure

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I2OI uses a scoreboard for avoiding hazards while issuing instructions inorder.

Reorder Buffer (ROB)

State S ST V PReg
P 1 0 0 0
F 0 1 1 1
  • State - Pending or Free / Finished
  • S - Speculative
  • ST - Store bit
  • V - whether the physical register file is valid
  • PReg - the physical register file specifier

The Reorder Buffer is a queue with a head and a tail. The commit stage waits for the head to be finished.

Finished Store Buffer (FSB)

V Op Addr Data
0 ? ? ?
  • Only one entry is needed if one memory instruction is in flight at a time
  • Single entry FSB makes allocation trivial.
  • If we want to support more than one memory instruction, we need to worry about load / store address aliasing.

Pipeline Diagram

Pasted image 20221021063321.png

  • r shows when a value is queued onto the reorder buffer
  • C is when the new value is committed
  • C and r can happen in the same cycle

Branch Resolution

  • Squash on branch resolution - more complex, especially for ROB
  • Squash on branch commit
  • Squash as instructions commit - more resources used, simplest

Store Misses

Store misses add delays of ~3 cycles which is kinda bad. You can use retire stages to conduct them asynchronously while further instructions run (but you should be wary of any related hazards)